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CRF Video Juke-Box


About our videos


Every video here was recorded at a previous Cambridge Rock Festival, either by fans in full HD or 4K, or by a professional film crew. All are included with the consent of the videographer.


Picture quality


Videos are available both as a "high-quality" (HQ) version and as a "reduced quality" (RQ) version. The HQ version will look better on larger screens but requires more bandwidth to play. If you have problems then change to the RQ version. You may not notice much difference in picture quality using a phone so we suggest using the RQ version.


Sound quality


The sound provided is the same on both and optimised for a decent sound system, bearing in mind the constraints of the recording equipment and circumstances!


The CRF Video Juke-box


All videos are viewed through our own Juke-Box not another social media platform! Find them by going to our 'selector'- they are grouped by artist in alphabetical order They are available in 1920x1080 format by clicking the 'full screen' icon (bottom right corner) Initially they appear one quarter size i.e. 960x540 pixels.


CRF on Youtube


We recommend using our own Video Juke-Box! It has no adverts and is available in full HD or reduced quality. However at this time some CRF video is only available on YouTube - you can find some of it using these links until it is ready on our Juke-Box.

A Teaser, A Taster, & Festival Flavour .... Experience CRF22 now!


For anyone new to the CRF, we've put together a few examples of what we're all about, using video of bands playing our next festival filmed at CRFs they've played before! 


A Teaser


Just a handful of bands

to get you started, all

in just 2 minutes.


Or the longer 'Director's Cut'

will give you festival vibe and a few more bands  too!


A Taster


More details about CRF22 and

many more bands playing

longer segments of their songs.


Or the 'Clean Cut' version

is the same but with less text

- some find it easier to watch


Festival Flavour

Samples of all CRF22 bands

that have played before

that we've filmed in HD.


Our 'Uncut' video has complete

tracks covering the many genres featured at the CRF.


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