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We use Facebook as the best way to get information out to you quickly and as a general means of interaction with you, although we do send out occasional free newsletters (we really won’t spam you – it’s not fair on you and to be honest it doesn’t help us because you’ll end up de-registering!). There are a number of Facebook entries that include Cambridge Rock Festival in their name – not all are run by us! However there are two that we encourage you to sign up to:


‘Cambridge Rock Festival’  (Facebook Group)


This is the place where we will make announcements and may occasionally initiate debates on specific matters. We moderate this Group and are selective about what we allow to be posted because we don’t want to make it hard for you to find the latest official information.


Although we try to make that clear, we do get a lot of people, and in particular bands or event organisers, who ask to post their news in this Group. Please don’t! Our administrators will simply not ‘permit’ them – but see below…


Cambridge Rock Festival Forum’  (Facebook Group)


This is the place where anyone can, within reason, post their thoughts about the festival, and bands who have a connection to the CRF can post their latest news etc. We do like to keep the Group relevant to the type music that the CRF is known for, namely classic rock, blues, prog, acoustic etc. The administrators will be far more tolerant here!


‘Cambridge Rock Festival – latest information’  (Facebook Page)


Quite why Facebook has these different options is perhaps an interesting question. We know many of you are signed up to this ‘Page’ which exists through historical reasons when things behaved differently. Ideally it would make everyone’s life easier if there was one focal point for you to find information and for us to post it to, so if you are a member of this, feel free to ensure you are signed up to the ‘Group’ (above) and remove your name from this ‘Page’ and we will try and simplify things! Sadly it isn’t possible to just send all members a message!


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