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Sponsor a Beer Barrel
Is there a beer out there with your name on it?
Well there could be...
What's in it for you?
Well your name (and face if you are so inclined) on a bar barrel.
Bragging rights - ''Barkeep my good person a pint of Dave please'.
Have a picture taken with your brew... post on social media... impress your friends
Personalised drinking vessel (well CRF plastic pint with you name on)
What's in it for Us?
The Cambridge Rock Festival Looks to be self sustaining. We appreciate every
ticket and pint purchased, without this there would be no Festival. But rising costs
means that we need to look to raise additional funds to keep the Festival going.
For those that can, and are so inclined to do so, we are offering ways of supporting the continuation of the Festival whilst giving you a little something different in return.

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