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Other Events

C.R.F. “Support” Events


In addition to the main Cambridge Rock Festival, the organisers run a number of other events during the year. These too are entirely organised, staffed and run by some of our regular red-shirted volunteers and the aim is to raise funds to help us to fund the next festival. All of the proceeds from the event, including bar sales (which we run also run ourselves) go towards the next festival and we hope that our regular supporters, particularly those local to the event, will come along whenever they can. These events often feature past favourites from earlier festivals but also bands we are considering for the future and some locally based bands.


See below for our current schedule of forthcoming events, and do check back as we will add more details as they are arranged. If you want to be informed of these, please sign up to our Newsletter and/or join our Facebook Group - see the "Talk To Us" section for details.

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