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vCRF 2021 Arena and Line-up


Bulletin Board


  • The results of our 'ENCORE!!' poll are in - there will be more to see today! See below...

  • If you have problems, there's a post at the top of our Facebook group (and link to it below) where you can tell us about them - please give as much information as you can.

  • All donations towards putting this event on will be gratefully received - use the button below!

  • Check your download speed if you don't know it then use an appropriate quality level.

  • Please go to the band merch/websites and help them by buying something!

  • CRF22 tickets available NOW - 10% DISCOUNT if you enter code VCRF21 at the checkout TODAY

  • ALL SUNDAY'S BANDS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL AT LEAST 11PM.... maybe longer! Thanks for watching!

Think of this as being in the CRF arena with your programme below.


If you want to get an idea of what vCRF21 will be like, here's a High Quality sampler of some tracks! 


If you have difficulty running the HQ sampler (it needs about 12.6 mbps, which is about average for our videos) then we also have a lower quality (LQ) version that runs at an average 5.5mbps. On smaller screens you may not notice the difference but on larger TVs you should do!


vCRF20 is free for anyone to watch.... there is no entrance fee


... however, it has cost us something to make it happen and we've incurred losses with the aborted CRF20. If you would like to make a donation please do so using the button here. Anything you donate will be used to help us with CRF22.

Please also sign up to our newsletter so we can send you CRF22 news.

Every band has previously given their consent to use these videos, free of charge.

Please support them by buying their merchandise!

We've added a virtual 'Merchandise Table' for every band (where we can), visible during their set.

Who is available to see each day and how do I watch them?


Most videos are a 'set' by one band, usually built from fan high definition recordings over multiple years. So on Thursday (June 17th) we'll make available our set by The Mentulls, because that's the day they should have played. Then we'll follow the same pattern on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


To watch the set, just click the link below and it will open in a new window!


Each video will be available to start playing during the traditional 'CRF day', i.e. 5.30pm to 11pm Thursday and from 11am on the other days. You can watch them in any order.


Why are there two or three versions of each video?


We know that not everyone has perfect internet access so there's a "high quality" version that typically requires a download speed of 10-16 mbps (megabits per second) and a "reduced quality" version typically requiring 4-6 mbps in case anyone needs it. Both are output as 1920x1080.


In some cases there may be a "Standard HD" (SHD) version. Don't expect it to look great, but it won't use much bandwidth! This is output at 1280x720 using a reduced quality setting.


If you are having problems...


Here are some useful links that we hope will answer your questions. Please check here before messaging us, preferably using the comments button here. Please tell us the band and the quality - (quality is at the bottom of the screen), so we can monitor the situation. We'll check there from time to time and respond when we can - it may not be immediate! There's a post pinned to the top of our Facebook group for you to add your issues to.


Clicking F5 on your keyboard to refresh the screen may help sometimes.


If you are having a great time...


Tell us what you think using our main Facebook Group! Post some photos too!

 Note: After their programmed day the buttons will no longer work.

Thursday 17th June

Available 5.30pm to 11pm

High Quality HD

Good speed ~ 12 mb/s

The Mentulls

Reduced Quality HD

Okay speed ~ 5 mb/s

The Mentulls

Standard HD

Band Merchandise

Poor speed 1-2 mb/s

The Mentulls

Friday 18th June

Available 11am to 11pm

High Quality HD

Mostly Autumn
Mostly Autumn (CRF12)
T Clemente Band
Space Elevator
The Room (official)
The Room
4th Labyrinth
Split Whiskers
Dare + Cats In Space

Reduced Quality HD

Mostly Autumn

Standard HD

Mostly Autumn
Mostly Autumn (CRF12)
T Clemente Band
Space Elevator
The Room (official)
The Room
4th Labyrinth
Split Whiskers
Dare + Cats In Space
Space Elevator
The Room (official)
The Room
4th Labyrinth
Split Whiskers
Dare + Cats In Space

Band Merchandise

Saturday 19th June

Available 11am to 11pm

High Quality HD

Tygers Of Pan Tang
Atomic Rooster
Doris Brendel
Square Wild
Focus ... and more!

Reduced Quality HD

Standard HD

Tygers Of Pan Tang
Atomic Rooster
Doris Brendel
Square Wild
Focus ... and more!
Atomic Rooster
Doris Brendel
Square Wild
Focus ... and more!

Focus  +  False Hearts  +  Dandelion Charm

Band Merchandise

Sunday 20th June

Available 11am to 11pm

High Quality HD

Reduced Quality HD

Standard HD

Austin Gold  +  Mark Pontin Group + Selective Collective

Band Merchandise

Sunday ENCORE!! 

As there are only three sets for Sunday, we held a poll on Facebook to see who you would like to see again, that closed at 11pm (end of the 'CRF day'). We've looked at the stats to see how many more bands we can add without overloading the servers and we are going to add the top four bands for the whole day plus a few more up until 6pm as the history shows less usage during the afternoon. As there was a problem with the 'Focus etc' video yesterday for a while, we'll include that today as well, plus the 'Dare + Cats In Space' video.


The result of the poll was.... (drum roll)... in first place (by a long way!) Mostly Autumn!

Second place went to Square Wild who just pipped Space Elevator into third place by one vote.

The T Clemente Band was one more vote behind in fourth

Available 11am to (at least) 11pm

High Quality HD

Reduced Quality HD

Standard HD

Focus  +  False Hearts  +  Dandelion Charm

Band Merchandise

STOP PRESS: Available 11am to (at least) 11pm



RBF Festivals Ltd holds the necessary Performing Rights Society licence to cover this event in the UK


Overseas viewers


If you have difficulties accessing the festival, click here instead


A huge thank-you


Thank you to our fans who filmed and supplied the original footage that made this possible. The vast majority of HD video came from John Warner, Bernard Netherclift, Trevor CotterellAndy KitsonAndy Watts, the side-screen footage from Festival Vision.


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